7 Reasons Why You Need Access Control Systems

Why you need Access Control for your Business

More than just physical security
If you decide to use an access control system, it’s probably because you want to secure the physical access to your buildings or sites to protect your people, places and possessions. That’s just the start for access control systems though. The right system, used well, can add value in a range of ways. You can use it, and the data it generates, to boost not just security but productivity, creativity and performance.

You can even use access control to help increase happiness and fulfilment. This is really important for us because we believe security isn’t just about technology – it’s about how people live their lives and about helping them make the most of their days.

The basics of access control
Let’s take a step back though and look at the fundamental principles and techniques behind access control systems.

What’s wrong with a key?
Many smaller organisations use mechanical keys to lock their doors. But this method of access control has several flaws and limitations, especially as an organisation gets bigger. Below are just some of the problems presented by using keys.

• People lose keys

If someone loses a key you need to replace the cylinder to make sure the lost key can’t be misused. Once you’ve replaced the cylinder, you need to hand out new keys to everyone else that needs access to that door.

• Keys don’t leave an audit trail

You can’t see if and when someone’s used a key to open a door, so you don’t know who’s entered your building or at what time.

• Keys are difficult to manage

If someone needs access to a wide range of buildings and rooms, they’ll need to carry an inconveniently large number of keys. It can be difficult to remember which key is for which door and it’s a security risk to label them.
An access control system can take away the downsides of using mechanical keys.

It manages:

Who has access.
Which doors they have access to.
What times they can gain access.
Under which conditions they’re allowed access.
Best of all, an access control system allows you to set these parameters for each individual and you can quickly and easily update them at any time.

7 Reasons Why You Need Access Control Systems to improve your Business Security

  • Protect your Employees – provide a safe working environment
  • Restrict Unauthorized Access & Reduce Theft – control who has access to where and at what time
  • Electronic Visitor, History Logging & Muster Reports – every access is logged & recorded. Muster Reports allow you to see who is where in your building in case of an emergency
  • Eliminate Key Problems – no more keys, you can use swipe cards, tags, fingerprints or even your mobile phone
  • Customize Individual Schedules – set up time schedules for employees, short term access for cleaners or restrict certain areas – super easy to do with access control
  • Provide Remote Access – does a contractor need to access building but no-one is on site to let them in? You can provide access to your site remotely and you always know who is coming & going
  • Reduce Energy Bills & Protect Environment – your access control system can integrate with building management system to turn off unnecessary lighting or heating in unoccupied areas


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