Our services Onsite support services, Help Desk Support, Remote Access Control, Hardware Repair, Data and Disaster Recovery, Network Support, Cabling, I.T. Consulting, Integration Projects, Turnkey Installations, Application Rollouts, Software Upgrades, Transitions and Integration. Onsite Computer Repair Long Island| Computer Techs for Home or Business Nassau County
We provide services to Nassau County, New York City, Long Island, Queens, and Brooklyn.
All Onsite Computer Services field service engineers are certified, have a minimum 3 years experience and have been through level-tested interviews and exam processes prior to employment. This process, coupled with ongoing training and performance incentives, keeps our entire staff of technicians and internal support motivated and fresh.
Service and Maintenance Agreements are individually priced depending on the service menu selections, which include Onsite Service and Support, Remote Access Control, Help Desk Support, and the length and size of the support requirement. Our flexibility is essential to match what you want or need with a customized program that we both understand. Billing can also be flexible: hourly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual with discounts available for longer commitments.
Onsite Computer Services Same Day computer IT support services to provide solutions to your business or home. We strive to resolve all technical issues with a high level of professionalism.
Our only product is uptime service and support and project management. Unlike other providers, who may also retail equipment or manufacture equipment, our only revenue is providing IT support with rapid response to clients’ real time needs. As a convenience to our customers they can purchase components (i.e.: break-fix or upgrades) for or from us to streamline the process.
Another differentiating benefit is that we recognize both the hardware and the software on every service call while onsite. This helps to assure solutions will be timely and cost-effective. The initial preventive maintenance performed at your site gives our central dispatchers a comprehensive overview of your operation and equipment before the technician is chosen. Matching the skill-set of a technician with a support issue the first time allows everyone to enjoy a timely solution to virtually any service issue. This of course reduces risk at very critical moments.
A fourth benefit is the true coverage capability of our work force, components and delivery within an extensive geographic area. Our motto of “service anywhere” can be coordinated through a single call or online request. The professional dispatchers, helpdesk personnel, project managers and logistics teams work together to coordinate technical skills, scheduling, reporting and customer service at a central dispatch center.